Thursday, July 28, 2016

Faith enough to fail...

I truly believe, if u say you want something, seek it, the bible says it shall be found...if u don't seek it, what do you expect???
That's why, God always has to force your hand on moving at times, through difficulties, tragedies...he makes our complacency uncomfortable...because we let fear of failure, or being wrong, stop us, and we always say, "let me fast and pray"- but what if God wants to see if you trust him??? Sometimes, you have to trust God with your desires, you can't always fast and pray about everything...some things take the courage of Joshua, and the faith of Abraham, to know that God is with you, wherever you go.

When the Messiah came...

He's the great white hype and you all have been bamboozled this year. If they thought he was a threat, he would've been dead by now, obviously, no one is afraid of him...check out the founders of the Black Panther Party, King and X, where are they, dead....Assata Shakur, is in exile... we're happy he's biracial and brown, but he's a pansy. This is the image that the world gets to see, we revel in it, basking in his glow...while they pull a fast one on us and we never see it coming. I don't follow the crowd, to hell with Obama, 😂... I am a Michelle fan though, she's all the things I am, except first lady 😅😅😅 and tall, and thin.