Sunday, July 22, 2012


The views of so many, biased in opinions through heart break, victory, and playing the position of being politically correct, Paterno's Penn State statue is being funeralized. May he rest in peace, but not without acknowledging his role in a mockery of integrity. Praised for his plights of victory of the "All American" game, the all American, southern gentlemen performed as coward when no one was looking. A motivator and a voice to raise the Titans on the field, held his tongue when he knew the innocence of young boys was being brutally beat out of them. The good ole' boy approach is under construction for Penn State. To those involved in the covering up of Sandusky's evil reign, "The greatest victory and defeat is not what you did while many were looking, but what you stood for when others turned their backs."

Ongoing grievance

The recent news of the Colorado mass shootings has sparked much interest in trying to figure out what would make a person do such a thing...The point, or moral of some stories, so often grazes the skulls of those involved on some level of the five senses: either seeing, hearing, feeling, etc. It's not the attempt in trying to explain the why he did it, but what are we to gather from the incident. Too often, many criminal individuals, whether insane or mentally incompetent, are found performing such heinous preparation, right under the noses of America. Here is yet another person, that acted on unsuspecting families, because America is so blinded by the equation of "successful" stereotypes. Much like the Air Force Colonel that possessed high rankings and accolades, while at the same time terrorizing and murdering young women; Holmes, was the stereotype of what we have deemed as "criminally unlikely" by American standards. Hopefully, in the current wake of such heart felt tragedy, we will go on to recognize that America has a foggy perspective and imbalanced awareness of determining the truth.