Sunday, November 26, 2017

Going once, going twice, sold??? Are we all for sale???

There is some minor circulation of coverage regarding Libyans being sold into slavery.
Reading some of the articles and a small amount of Google searching, returned a CNN video and article on the subject.
It isn't a documentary, not anything old, it is current news, currently happening.
On the surface, it would appear as 3rd world people problems, until you think about how the U.S., went in and dismantled Gaddafi, only for this to happen to the Libyan people.
The initial thought of "poor people" until you think about the global history of slavery and the history of Africa and the slave trade.
The continent of Africa, steal the resources of its countries and enslave their people.
Everyone wants to visit the continent, go to Egypt, South Africa, see Nigeria, see the animals, but they'll harp on enslaving the people.
You think it'll be a United Nations issue but we all know the global history of hidden agendas.
And until a celebrity makes it an issue or it happens somewhere close to home, we turn a deaf ear to it. I wouldn't even travel internationally at this rate, you already have Trump and his bans, but think about human trafficking and the surgence of this.
And they think they won't try and return slavery to the U.S.
I was reading this morning about racist celebrities and came across a quote from John Wayne- it wasn't a surprise that he was racist, but the quote spoke volumes and it solidified the thought that non-white people have to be twice as educated and qualified to obtain the same positions as their white counterparts...which is the school of thought for affirmative action and systemic racism, non just privy to the prison system.
In Jay-Z's song, the story of OJ- athlete, celebrity, wealthy, uncle tom, educated...all "still nigger" (although this isn't a new thought either, just a most recent reference for the point I'm making).

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Faith enough to fail...

I truly believe, if u say you want something, seek it, the bible says it shall be found...if u don't seek it, what do you expect???
That's why, God always has to force your hand on moving at times, through difficulties, tragedies...he makes our complacency uncomfortable...because we let fear of failure, or being wrong, stop us, and we always say, "let me fast and pray"- but what if God wants to see if you trust him??? Sometimes, you have to trust God with your desires, you can't always fast and pray about everything...some things take the courage of Joshua, and the faith of Abraham, to know that God is with you, wherever you go.

When the Messiah came...

He's the great white hype and you all have been bamboozled this year. If they thought he was a threat, he would've been dead by now, obviously, no one is afraid of him...check out the founders of the Black Panther Party, King and X, where are they, dead....Assata Shakur, is in exile... we're happy he's biracial and brown, but he's a pansy. This is the image that the world gets to see, we revel in it, basking in his glow...while they pull a fast one on us and we never see it coming. I don't follow the crowd, to hell with Obama, 😂... I am a Michelle fan though, she's all the things I am, except first lady 😅😅😅 and tall, and thin.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


The views of so many, biased in opinions through heart break, victory, and playing the position of being politically correct, Paterno's Penn State statue is being funeralized. May he rest in peace, but not without acknowledging his role in a mockery of integrity. Praised for his plights of victory of the "All American" game, the all American, southern gentlemen performed as coward when no one was looking. A motivator and a voice to raise the Titans on the field, held his tongue when he knew the innocence of young boys was being brutally beat out of them. The good ole' boy approach is under construction for Penn State. To those involved in the covering up of Sandusky's evil reign, "The greatest victory and defeat is not what you did while many were looking, but what you stood for when others turned their backs."

Ongoing grievance

The recent news of the Colorado mass shootings has sparked much interest in trying to figure out what would make a person do such a thing...The point, or moral of some stories, so often grazes the skulls of those involved on some level of the five senses: either seeing, hearing, feeling, etc. It's not the attempt in trying to explain the why he did it, but what are we to gather from the incident. Too often, many criminal individuals, whether insane or mentally incompetent, are found performing such heinous preparation, right under the noses of America. Here is yet another person, that acted on unsuspecting families, because America is so blinded by the equation of "successful" stereotypes. Much like the Air Force Colonel that possessed high rankings and accolades, while at the same time terrorizing and murdering young women; Holmes, was the stereotype of what we have deemed as "criminally unlikely" by American standards. Hopefully, in the current wake of such heart felt tragedy, we will go on to recognize that America has a foggy perspective and imbalanced awareness of determining the truth.